One of the most frequently asked questions is asked in a few different forms; "How often do I need to come in?" "How many more times will I need to come in?" and so on. The answer to these questions is all the same. Let me explain.
The way I decide how often or how long a patient needs to come in is based on the patient. This means I monitor the patient's body's response to their care, and decide from there when they need to come in next. If a patient comes in who has been dealing with headaches, or back pain, etc. for the last few years, we will probably need to see them more often right away. If a patient comes in for their monthly appointment without any new injury, they won't need to be adjusted again for another month. Chiropractic care is ongoing. This is because we all have a spine, we all have a nervous system, and we all have misalignments in our spine. If every individual wants to perform at their peak potential, clearing the nervous system of interference is necessary. This is definitely something that is explained during your first appointment consultation. Come in to learn more :-) This philosophy comes from Palmer College of Chiropractic, and was perfected by my grandpa over his many years of practice. My dad and brother also practice in this manner. We provide "custom healthcare" to each individual patient. Your healing and highest potential is our number one goal. Every appointment has a purpose for you. This is deeply rooted in my education and my upbringing. I promise to every patient that they do not have to worry about coming in too often, or not enough. If you are ready for tailored healthcare, call us TODAY! I am accepting new patients every single day. 605-791-0868
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Most people don't even think about chiropractic for those pregnancy pains. We have a list from Dr. Jeanne Ohm that includes benefits for mother AND baby.
Here it is: Benefits for the mother: -prepares the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth by creating a state of balance in pelvic bony structures, muscles, and ligaments -removed torsion of the ligaments that support the uterus, thus potentially reducing aberrant tension to the woman’s uterus -reduces interference to the mother’s vital nerve supply which controls and coordinates all of her systems and functions -by improving maternal function we are decreasing the potential for unnecessary intervention To the infant: -reduces interference to the mother’s central nervous system allowing for better development -pelvic balance allows the baby greater room to develop without restrictions to its forming cranium, spine, and other skeletal structures -offers the baby room to move into the best possible position for birth -with proper fetal positioning, there is significant decrease in dystocia (abnormal labor, or lack of ‘progression’ of labor) and the resulting birth trauma caused by intervention. Women who have chiropractic care during pregnancy report feeling relaxed during appointments. This is a low impact technique to ensure the comfort of momma and baby. Call Dr. Chantel today for more information, OR to schedule your prenatal chiropractic appointment! 605-791-0868 Unfortunately, this is the time of year when most auto accidents happen. In most car accidents, whiplash occurs. Let's define whiplash; hyper flexion and hyper extension injury. What does that even mean? Your head flexing forward beyond its normal range, and then extending back beyond its normal range. This is what causes sprain/strain of the spinal ligaments. Whiplash can also produce brain injuries. OUCH! So what now?
Head to your chiropractor. Once you receive a full neuromuscular exam, getting adjusted can take a lot of stress and strain off those injured nerves and ligaments. I have had whiplash twice in my life. Let me share both of those very different stories with you... The first time I had whiplash, I hit a patch of black ice and went into the ditch. What eventually stopped my car was a telephone pole right into my driver's side door. I was incredibly embarrassed, so I avoided my dad (my chiropractor) as much as possible. At first, I was very sore, a bit concussed, and tired. After a few weeks, I began to get headaches that got increasingly worse as the days went on. I developed a reverse spinal curve which puts tremendous pressure on your spinal cord. I finally swallowed my pride, and started a regular regimen of adjustments. It took me about six months to feel mildly normal again. The second time I had whiplash, I was t-boned on my way to school. Again, I was embarrassed, out of it, and tired. The first thing I did this time, however, was go to my dad's office. He took x-rays immediately to check for fractures, or any signs of ligament tears. My dad performed a very thorough neurological and muscular exam. When he determined I was safe to receive an adjustment, he did just that. I was adjusted three times a week for two weeks, two times a week for three weeks, one time a week for a month, and then back to my regular once a month routine. After the first week, the only symptom I had was soreness. After week two, I felt 80% better. I didn't experience headaches, or any changes in my posture either! Now, which story would you like to have if you unfortunately encounter whiplash? Call me today! 605-791-0868 If you have a child who has suffered from (is suffering from currently) a painful ear infection, you know how painful it can be. There has been a dramatic increase of ear infections in young children, and a medical doctor's approach may not be your best option.
The medical world has two approaches to ear infections; 1. antibiotics 2. surgically implanting tubes. So, essentially you could give your child medication continually, or surgery. Antibiotics have been proven to be ineffective for ear infections. (Here's a link citing how antibiotics do not have an effect on ear infections There are actually more adverse affects than good caused by antibiotic use. These include (but are not limited to) yeast infections, allergic reactions, damage to the digestive system, antibiotic resistance and repeat infections. Yikes! Tympanostomy is the medical term used for "tubes in the ears". This surgery is performed at an alarming rate, and there seems to be a rush to do it. There are many long-term studies that show tubes in the ears cause scarring and hearing problems later in life. (Strenstrom R et al. Hearing thresholds and tympanic membrane sequelae in children managed medically or surgically for otitis media with effusion. Arch Pediatric Adolesc Med. 2005;159:1151-1156). Even a world-famous pediatrician once said "We doctors may have to consider whether...antibiotics, antihistamines, insertion of tubes, tonsillectomy does not represent overkill for a condition that, except in malnourished children, is almost always self-limited." In my opinion, it seems like Dr. Mendelsohn was saying that tympanostomy may very well be over-kill because ear infections are resolved on their own. So what other options do you have as parents?? CHIROPRACTIC CARE! Chiropractors have a very specific way to find stressors on the body. With chiropractic adjustments, they can relieve those stressors to allow the body to function properly. Adjustments are safe and affective for all ages. There are so many wonderful studies done on chiropractic care for ear infections. One of my favorites is done on a boy who suffered from ear infections for six years. This boy was subjected to years of antibiotic treatment, and had tubes put in his ears. Every medical approach did not provide him with relief. When this boy was brought in for his first chiropractic adjustment, his parents told the chiropractor that he was scheduled for another surgery to get his tonsils and adenoids removed. After one adjustment, the boy quit complaining about painful ears. The boy's ears, tonsils and adenoids returned to normal size, and after five months of care, the ENT cancelled his surgery. (Bofshever H. Case history. ICPA Newsletter. Nov/Dec 1999). I hope this blog helps parents look a bit deeper into the medical approach for more than just ear infections. However, if your child has suffered, or is suffering from an ear infection, call Pokorny Chiropractic Clinic TODAY! Every location has immense experience with children of all ages. We are ready to help get your little ones feeling their best. I wanted my first post to be a short introduction for myself. I am currently the only doctor at Pokorny Clinic in Rapid City. Actually, I am currently the entire staff on site. I graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in June 2017. I started seeing patients in the student clinics and out patient clinics over one year ago. I am blessed to come from a strong lineage of chiropractors in my family. I am the third generation of the Pokorny chiropractic legacy! My dad allowed me to precept with him from the beginning of 2017 until my graduation in June. My dad and brother were kind enough to also let me see patients in their clinic in Dickinson, ND until I opened my office here in Rapid City. Today is day one in the new office! Stop in and say hi, schedule an appointment, or take a tour of the new place. This community is so surreal with the amount of kindness they have already shown me.
AuthorDr. Chantel Pokorny Archives
March 2018
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